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Video Animation


The Challenge

Associated British Ports (ABP) required a promotional video that showed their innovation in the maritime logistics industry following the announcement of their pioneering new technology and how they were moving to a more sustainable business by reducing CO2 emissions. The video was to be aired at the UN climate change conference (COP26).

The Response

Existing footage and new animation was combined to build three separate shorter videos, as well as one full length edit which was shown at the closing of the COP26 event by the UK Major Ports Group (UKMPG), gaining great exposure.

The content was then shared across their website and across social platforms, reaching a global audience.

The Outcome

The content has since been shared across their website, at events and across social platforms, reaching a global audience. The videos were shown at COP26 — a UK Government-backed environmental summit in Glasgow. The video has subsequently been a huge part of ABP’s environmental, sustainability and decarbonisation campaigns across the company. 

“...their work is absolutely top notch! I couldn’t recommend them highly enough."

Rachel Pennicott

Corporate Affairs & Marketing Coordinator