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OOH Campaign

Fisher German

The Challenge

Fisher German was opening a new office in a city centre location, something they had never done before. Traditionally seen as a ‘rural’ property company, they were keen to raise awareness and tackle assumptions around the brand, whilst also promoting the fact that they were moving to Birmingham.

The Response

A number of campaign ideas were brainstormed amongst the team and sketched for submission. The chosen direction was a bold and simple design to promote the breadth of services Fisher German offers, which stretches much further than just property management.

The campaign informed viewers of the new city centre location, as well as showcasing the services they offer, for those who may not have known the level of property expertise that have.

Iterations of the key messaging were created for direct mailers, internal communications and an OOH screen at a local train station, specifically identified for reaching commuters on their way to work.

The Outcome

The campaign design was very clean and bold, using Fisher German's red to stand out amongst various surroundings. 

All of their services were listed, not with the intention of the audience reading them all, but to visually represent the extent of their offering and showcasing them as more than just a property management brand. 

The location of their new office was used as a sign-off.

Who Brought It To Life

A collaborative team specialising in communication, users and dreaming big came together for this OOH campaign.