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Brand Identity & Website

STAT Holdings

The Challenge

After working previously with chartered Surveyors Stat BC on their own brand identity, their sister company STAT Holdings approached Create Inc to create and develop a brand identity for them as a new company. They wanted their identity to be visually sleek and corporate, whilst still conveying dependability in order to be approachable to potential clients.   

The Response

Following an in-depth conversation with STAT Holdings, our Creatives began building a brand identity tailored to their needs, schedule, and budget. The emphasis was on ensuring that the selected style reflected their core values of straight-talking, trustworthy, people-driven entrepreneurs.    

This was achieved by incorporating blue tones throughout the designs—as blue is associated with feelings of stability and reliability, reflecting the brand ethos. The logo utilises an S letterform with the resulting negative space revealing a ‘H’—creating a logo that is simple yet impactful.   

We established a collaborative working relationship and maintained open lines of communication throughout the project, resulting in the brand logo and identity exceeding expectations ahead of a tight turnaround.   

The Outcome

The design process for the STAT Holdings website began with a thorough analysis of the company's brand and target audience. Based on this research, the design team developed a visual identity for the website that conveyed a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness. 

The colour scheme was kept simple and elegant, with a focus on blues and greys. This created a structured website with user experience at the core. The web team worked closely with the design team to ensure that the website's visual design was accurately represented in the code and that the site was optimised for both desktop and mobile devices.

Click here to see the result!

Who Brought It To Life

Creatives and Developers worked in unison to create a visual identity and website for new brand, STAT Holdings.