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White Papers

Potter Clarkson

The Challenge

Potter Clarkson is a full-service intellectual property law firm. As a partner, we support with a variety of brand and marketing services, including regular white papers.

Each white paper has a large amount of information that needs to be formatted in branded designs which are engaging and easy to read.

The Response

Our Creatives distil copy and assets provided by Potter Clarkson down to sections to fit within branded templates. They tweak to ensure all content works within the pages designed and our Marketing Team QC all proofs, editing copy down where required to ensure the white papers are as legible and engaging as possible. 

The Outcome

We work with Potter Clarkson to produce several white papers throughout the year.

Originally, these were produced in both digital and printed versions, but we have helped facilitate the move to a more digital only approach, supporting sustainability, efficiency, an increased drive to their digital platforms, and better tracking and data. 

Who Brought It To Life

Our Creatives have refined the editorial approach to a variety of white papers for Potter Clarkson, all efficiently managed by Kate.