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Brand Identity & Launch Strategy


The Challenge

Loones, a new clothing brand specialising in customisable lounge trousers required a brand identity. As a completely new brand, the creative needed to stand out, engage and differentiate itself from other businesses.

To ensure consistency and future-proof the visual identity and communications, brand guidelines were required.

The Response

A selection of concepts was supplied, with the chosen one featuring a logo where the 2 ‘Os’ in Loones consistently change from varying typefaces, alongside a set leading Loones logo.

The interchangeable ‘Os’ denote the customisable aspect of the trousers and accompanying graphics also feature a variety of ‘Os’ to reinforce the USP. Stand out quotes and imagery of people was overlaid on various fabric patterns to create a fun, striking look.


The Outcome

A graphic toolkit, marketing launch strategy and plan, as well as postcards and miniature trouser shaped flyers were created.

"You’ve done a great job. Love them all!"

Claire Kay
